The world record for World's Oldest Man (living) is Achieved by Swami Sivananda in Varanasi ,Uttar Pradesh, India on 1 April 2022. He Aged 125 Years 7 months as confirmed on 1 April 2022 and has set a record for the worldwide book of records. Swami Sivananda is a yoga guru who practices and teaches yoga at ghats in Varanasi, he became the oldest person to receive Padma Shri by the Government of India. #BabaSivananada #BabaSivanandaAge #OldestMan #OldestmanWorldRecord #Padmashriawardee

Swami Sivanand is a son of beggar parents, Born on 8 August 1896, in Habiganj located in the Sylhet Division (now in Bangladesh) of undivided India, Swami Sivananda had one sibling "Arati"- Who died in the Year 1901 and he lost his mother "Bhagbati Devi" and father "Srinath Goswami" at the age of six in 1902. Due to abject poverty, his parents could feed him mainly boiled rice water during his childhood days.

Swami Sivananda has dedicated his life to the welfare of human society. His simplest way of disciplined and well-regulated life - with early morning Yoga, an oil-free boiled diet, and selfless service to mankind in his own way has given him disease free and tension-free longest life. He demonstrates his life as an exemplary lesson rather than preaching.
He has been a positive thinker throughout his life, so to say after losing his parents and after initiation, the realization came to his mind - 'the world is my home, it's people are my fathers and mothers, to love and serve them is my religion'. He is chasing that mission till today to serve the underprivileged in different parts of the country - in North East India, at Varanasi, Puri, Haridwar, Nabadwip, and so on. Teaching humanitarian acts Selfless service is the golden way to God-realization.
For the last 50 years, he has been serving 400600 leprosy-affected beggars with dignity at Puri by personally meeting them at their hutments. He perceives them as living God and serves them with the best available items. He arranges different materials like food items, fruits, clothes, winter garments, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, etc based on their expressed need. He encourages others present on the occasion to hand over different items to the affected people to make them feel the joy of giving.
A wonder of medical science, beyond the scope of medical science. His long, healthy and happy life has drawn the attention of the medical fraternity. Corporate hospitals across the nation have performed complimentary master health check-ups to assess the structural and functional status of his vital organs and systems, and to observe his lifestyle. In presence of the doctors and management teams in a conference hall, in the query of the secret of his longest life, along with sharing his desireless, simple life, he demonstrates different Yoga and exercise as means of his healthy and long life.
He was awarded with The Yoga Ratna Award On 20th June 2019 at Bengaluru. He was the senior-most participant of the country to participate in the yoga demonstration on 21st June, the World Yoga Day in 2019 He was awarded with Basundhara Ratan Award by Respect Age International for his contribution to society on 30 November 2019, In recognition of his social service Indian Railways awarded him with a Complimentary car 13th August 2015 to facilitate his travel across the country to reach to the poor and un ss on each to the poor and underprivileged.
#Oldestman #livingoldestman #Worldrecordoldestman #oldestpersonworldrecord