The World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Balasana Is Achieved By Kaviya S On 23 November 2002 In Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India. She Held Herself In Balasana Position
For 34 Minutes 18 Seconds And Has Set A World Record
For The Worldwide Book Of Records.
The World Record Holder of Balasana: Kaviya S
Introduction: When it comes to yoga, one woman has gone above and beyond to set a world record that has left many in awe. Kaviya S, a resident of Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India, achieved the remarkable feat of holding the Balasana position for an astonishing 34 minutes and 18 seconds on 23rd November 2002. This incredible achievement has earned her a well-deserved spot in the Worldwide World Book of Records.
The Journey to the Record:
Kaviya S's dedication to yoga and her rigorous practice routine played a significant role in her ability to achieve this remarkable feat. She spent hours perfecting her form, focusing on her breathing, and pushing her body to its limits. Her determination and focus on surpassing her own limits propelled her towards this world record.
Benefits of Balasana:
Balasana, also known as the Child's Pose, is a popular yoga asana that offers a myriad of benefits for both the body and mind. Some of the benefits of practicing Balasana include:
Relieves stress and anxiety
Stretches and relaxes the muscles of the back
Helps improve digestion
Calms the mind and promotes relaxation
Setting a World Record:
Breaking a world record is no easy feat, and it requires immense dedication, perseverance, and skill. Kaviya S's achievement in holding the Balasana position for over 34 minutes showcases her exceptional strength, flexibility, and endurance. Her unwavering commitment to her practice and her belief in her abilities led her to this momentous accomplishment.
The Significance of the Record:
Setting a world record is not just about individual achievement; it is also a testament to human potential and the power of perseverance. Kaviya S's record-breaking performance serves as inspiration for aspiring yogis and athletes around the world, showing that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.
In conclusion, Kaviya S's world record of holding the Balasana position for 34 minutes and 18 seconds is a testament to her dedication, discipline, and passion for yoga. Her achievement has not only earned her a well-deserved place in the Worldwide Book of Records but has also inspired countless individuals to push their own boundaries and strive for greatness. Kaviya S's journey serves as a reminder that with determination and perseverance, any goal can be achieved. Read about Kaviya S, the world record holder of Balasana, who set a record by holding the pose for 34 minutes 18 seconds in Tamil Nadu, India. Remember that hard work and dedication are the key to achieving your goals. So, are you ready to push your limits and reach new heights in your own practice?